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External Event Application Form
Advisory Notes
  • Application form must be completed in full and received 12 weeks prior to the Event date or no approval will be granted. Please note: Applications involving temporary or partial road closures, pyrotechnics or a Development Application Form must be submitted at least 16 weeks prior to the Event.
  • If your application is accepted, an Event Permit, setting out terms and conditions, will be provided prior to the event. Council and the Applicant are each bound by the terms of the Permit upon signature. The Applicant must keep a signed copy of the Permit available at the event.
  • Full payment of all applicable fees is required prior to an Event Permit being issued.

In most circumstances an asset protection bond must be paid. The event applicant is the authorised person and must undertake to pay Council the cost of any repairs to Council assets or infrastructure arising as a result of or in connection with the permitted event.

Please note that in this application the size of each file must not exceed 2 MB. Total size of files uploaded must not exceed 10 MB. If you want to submit more files, please refer to the reference number that will be sent with the confirmation email after you submit this claim.

1. Applicant Details

The Applicant is the organisation, company or individual taking responsibility for management of the event and must be the holder of the public liability insurance.

Organisation Type:

(please specify)
2. Public Liability Insurance

Georges River Council must be listed as an interested party on the Certificate of Currency and level of cover must be $20,000,000. The Event Applicant must ensure that all parties, including contractors and sub-contractors involved in the Event have suitable insurance cover. Council is not responsible for any personal injury or death to event staff, person/s attending the event or members of the public and requires indemnification from the event applicant against any such claims.

Please provide a copy of the Certificate of Currency with this application.
3. Event Details
1st Preference
2nd Preference
Is this a Fundraising Event?:
Fundraising Event?
Percentage of funds that will be returned to the charity/community group:
Type of Event:
Event Type
Are you applying for or receiving any grants, donations or sponsorship for this event (financial or non-financial services)? If yes, provide details from where/whom
4. Description of event
Briefly describe the event and its purpose, including schedule of activities
5. Food
Will food be sold, served or given away, at the event?:
Food given away
(offered as prize, reward or raffled)
(what is the food and quantity to be given away)
Sold, Served or Given away:


All temporary food stalls and mobile food vehicles are required to register and obtain approval from Georges River Council’s Environmental Health Section by completing the following form at least 28 days prior to the date of the event:
All temporary food stalls and mobile food vehicles are required to comply with applicable laws and guidelines including:
Food Stalls:
Mobile Food Vehicles:

6. Alcohol
Will alcohol be served or sold at event?:
If alcohol is to be sold, a liquor licence application must be lodged with the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation. If alcohol is to be consumed (but not sold) a consumption licence must be obtained from the local Police Station. Please provide a copy of relevant licence/s with this application.
Provide number of dispensing areas to be available:
Provide number of consumption areas to be available:
Attach Alcohol Management Plan to this application including details of barricading, security and signage.

Please see link to list of Alcohol Prohibited Areas in the Georges River Council Area:

7. Electricity/Generators
If Council controlled electrical facilities exist on the site, will you require access?:
Note: A fee applies for electricity access
(3 phase, 10 amp, 240 volt)
Will generators be used at the event?:
(i.e. silent generator)
8. Amenities
Will additional amenities be provided at event?:
Accessible toilets:

It is the Event Applicant’s responsibility to obtain a Manufacturer’s Statement of Compliance.
Georges River Council recommends the following ratio to be met:

  • Under 249 people: 1 to 6 toilets
  • 250 people: Minimum of 6 toilets
  • Over 251 people: 6 toilets plus a minimum of 1 additional toilet per 250 people.
Depending on the event, time of year and location the event applicant may be required to cover the cost of additional services to Council toilet facilities used during the events. Adequate toilet facilities including accessible units will need to be supplied at your cost if your event exceeds the venue’s available capacity.
For a list of facilities and amenities at Council’s Parks, visit Council’s Website:


9. Waste Management

Bins Required
per 100 attendees
1 x 240L – general waste if no food or drinks served/sold
2 x 240L – general waste if food or drinks served/sold
Recycle bins - Depending on the event it may be appropriate to provide recycling bins

Types and number of bins supplied for event:

Would you like a quote for bins to be supplied by Georges River Council?:
bin quote
(Please note, Council must receive the request for bins at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the event)
Now(UTC + 10:00)
Now(UTC + 10:00)
The Event Applicant must have a Waste Management Strategy in place to ensure the event site is clear of waste following the event. Please note Council does not permit the use of single use plastic bags, plastic straws or balloons. It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure this information is upheld by all stallholders and suppliers.
10. Temporary Structure
Will temporary structures be used at event?:
Temporary structures
Stage and scaffolding must be erected by appropriately ticketed scaffolders and is required to be certified structurally stable by a practicing Structural Engineer. It is the responsibility of the event applicant to ensure that the temporary structure company holds appropriate Public Liability Insurance. A copy of the Structural Engineer Certification of the structure is to be provided to Council by the next business day following this event.
(marquees and tents, stalls, staging, scaffolding, amusement devices etc.):
Will amusement devices be used at event?:
Amusement Devices
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure amusement devices used or hired for the event comply with NSW Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 requirements. The event applicant must prove copies of the appropriate paperwork for the amusement device(s) i.e. Evidence of a current up-to-date service logbook and a copy of the Registration Certificate provided by SafeWork NSW.
Please attach evidence of Amusement Device Provider’s current public liability insurance.
(carnival rides, jumping castles etc.):
11. Noise
Will any amplified noise be used at event?:
responsible for control of PA System during event
responsible for control of PA System during event
12. Vehicle and Machinery Access
Will vehicles/machinery require access on council land at event?:
If access to the area is required, describe the nature, size and number of vehicles, number of vehicle movements and the purpose of access during each phase of event below:
13. Temporary Road Closures
Will the event require temporary road/carpark closure?:
temporary road
Select relevant:

14. Traffic Management

What steps will be taken to minimise the effect of the Event on local traffic and ensure adequate car parking/transport for the event? Safe Work Australia Traffic Management: Guide for Events may be used as guidance.

15. Fireworks
Will a fireworks display be conducted at event?:

Documents required with application:

  • Safe Work notification issued under the NSW Explosives Act
  • Pyrotechnic certificate of currency for liability insurance
  • Job Safety and Environmental Analysis and Risk Assessment
  • Current Safework licences
  • Workers Compensation Insurance


18. Site Damage

A pre and post-event inspection may be required to determine appropriate asset protection bond, this will be carried out by Georges River Council staff.
No items may be staked into Councils sporting fields or parks
Please set out the steps that will be taken to avoid damage to Council assets and infrastructure:

19. Risk Management

Describe the event Risk Management Strategy or attach a copy of your Risk Management Plan: Strategy/plan should include foreseeable health and safety hazards, assessment of their risk and controls to eliminate or minimise risk so far as is reasonably practicable. Strategy/plan must cover all phases of event including setup/bump, during event and clean up/bump out.:

(including first aid arrangements) that are in place for the event or attach a copy of your Emergency Plan
20. Access and Equity Compliance
Is the site accessible for wheelchairs and for people with disabilities?:
Does the promotional material for the event specify if the event is wheelchair accessible?:
promotional material
Will appropriate accessible access toilets be provided?:
access toilets
Road/carpark closures: is adequate/suitable accessible parking incorporated on the site plan?:
carpark closures:
21. Community Safety

What security arrangements do you have in place for equipment left overnight due to setup/clean-up (if your event is 2 days or more):

(if your event is 2 days or more)
Is additional lighting being provided?:
additional lighting
22. Community Consultation

Events that are in close proximity to local businesses and/or residents require notification to businesses and residents.

if applicable.
23. Request For Council Support

Council may provide financial or non-financial (in-kind) assistance to event applicants such as the provision of in-house services and equipment, sponsorship or donations. If you are requesting financial or non-financial assistance from Council, please complete and attach the Request for Council Support for Community Run Event

24. Site Plan

Attach a site plan which clearly indicates all of the following applicable to the event:

  • Emergency access routes/parking and accessible parking
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Stage and direction of amplified sound
  • Spectator areas
  • Security, crowd control and/or police locations
  • First aid posts
  • Approved liquor consumption areas/non-alcohol areas
  • Lost children/property
  • Site entrances/exits
  • Portable toilet facilities
  • Registration/marshalling areas
  • Litter/refuse facilities
  • Marquees/tents/stalls
  • Fireworks launch site/exclusion zone
  • Amusement devices
  • Power sources
  • PA systems
  • Road closures
  • Stallholder bump-in, bump out after Road closures


25. Application Attachments

Please ensure you have completed all sections of application. The following documents must be attached to this application (if applicable)

Please note that in this application the size of each file must not exceed 2 MB. Total size of files uploaded must not exceed 10 MB.


An application fee of $50 must accompany all applications and is non-refundable. This can be paid via
All other fees are not payable at time of application lodgement; an invoice will be issued if the application is successful. Fee payment prior to commencement of the event is a condition of event approval.

26. Declaration


  1. I declare that all information supplied in this application is to the best of my knowledge true and correct.
  2. If the application is on behalf of an organisation/company, I confirm that I am authorised to sign on behalf of that organisation/company.
  3. I understand that if information is incomplete or if attached support material is inadequate then more information may be requested and approval of this application may be delayed or denied.
  4. I acknowledge and agree that the organisation, company or individual making this application:
    • must ensure that all parties involved in the event and/or providing equipment, structures or similar have suitable insurance cover.
    • takes full responsibility for any assembly, operation and removal of equipment of structures and acknowledge sand accepts that Council will not be liable for and does not provide any insurance cover relating to same; and
    • is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of actions detailed in this application including but not limited to the Risk Management Strategy/Plan, Environmental Management and Traffic and Parking Strategy/Traffic Management Plan
    • must abide by the conditions outlined in the Event Permit.
  5. I acknowledge and agree that at any time a Georges River Council Officer may attend site to monitor activities to ensure they are in accordance with the actions detailed in this application and (if applicable) the Event Permit.
  6. I acknowledge and agree that:
    • If damage is caused to a Council asset at any stage of the Event as a result of the Event activity, Council is entitled to full reimbursement for the cost of repair or remediation from the Event Applicant or the organisation, company or individual taking responsibility for management of the event and is entitled to deduct such costs from any bond payment, and
      If any information provided in this application is misleading, Council may amend or rescind any approval granted.
    • Full implementation of the actions or requirements outlined in my Event Application does not guarantee that the Event or the surrounding areas will be crime-free or totally safe and without risk. Council's acceptance of your Event Application is based on our understanding of the safety, security and emergency management issues at the time of your application and what you have told us about the Event.
    • I am responsible for seeking out and acting on all necessary expert risk management advice connected with this Event Application and management of the Event generally. By accepting the Event Application, Council does not assume or accept any liability for any act, error or omission by you or anyone associated with the Event and any connected loss, damage, injury or death.
    • Security, safety, emergency management and crime prevention/reduction strategies are dynamic processes and as functions, activities or conditions change or are modified, some of the assumptions made as part of the Event Application process will also change. As such, I am responsible for ensuring that all relevant policies, procedures and processes connected with the Event are routinely reviewed and updated to reflect changes in the environment and expectations of the community.
    • For additional information, please refer to the following NSW police Crime Prevents. Through Environmental Design Unit publications:
    • I am responsible for ensuring that Council and all other authorities and stakeholders are promptly notified of all such changes. Council reserves the right to modify the conditions of approval for the Event or to retract the approval.


Security Code:

Privacy Disclaimer

Your personal information is being collected by Council in accordance with applicable legislation.
The provision of your personal information is voluntary, however the information assists Council in the delivery and management of the subject request, and / or as required by law.

Your personal information will be used and disclosed for the Council’s purposes, or a directly related purpose, unless you consent to another use or disclosure, in emergencies or as otherwise required or authorised by law.
Should you wish to access or amend your personal information please make a written request to Council by:

Post: PO Box 205, Hurstville BC NSW 1481
For more information please refer to Council’s Privacy Management Plan


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