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Our Projects

We plan, design and construct infrastructure for the benefit of the community; including roads, footpaths, community facilities and play spaces.

We reconstruct and renew these assets as required, and build new infrastructure to meet our city's growing needs.

Please note: Sometimes unexpected delays occur on projects, changing the completion dates of work. If changes occur, updates will be provided below.

If you have any questions regarding a project please contact council via our Contact Us webpage.

Please view our projects listed by Suburb below.

All of Georges River Council Area

  • Water Sensitive Urban Design Infrastructure ‘Health Check’
    • Ward: LGA wide.

    • Project Description: The assessment of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) infrastructure across the Local Government Area to determine the operation and provide Council with future rectification and management recommendations to ensure the optimal operation of Council’s WSUD infrastructure. These recommendations will be incorporated into future work programs as funding becomes available.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Consultant engagement.

Beverly Hills

  • Merv Lynch Reserve Playground Upgrade

    Aerial drawing of concept plan for Merv Lynch playspace upgrade

    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Design and construction of upgraded playground including landscaping and picnic infrastructure.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Construction.


  • Todd Park Sporting Amenity Upgrade Design
    Artists impression of Todd Park Sporting Amenity
    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Detailed design of a significant sporting and community facility focused on encouraging accessibility and participation by all community members in active and passive recreation.

      The facility will focus on sustainability and compliant public and sporting amenities through the provision of:

      • Universally inclusive changerooms (x4).
      • Clubroom/community space.
      • Canteen and storage.
      • Fully accessible public toilets/amenities.
    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Detailed Design Ongoing.

Carss Park

  • Carss Bush Park Playground Upgrade

    Drawing of Landscape Plan for Carss Bush Park

    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Detailed design and subsequent construction expanding playground scope to meet regional significance of Carss Bush Park.

      This work involves the investigation of existing site conditions and play infrastructure, and development of designs to meet community expectations.

      Construction will be multi-year improving drainage, site connection and play experience.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2025.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: In construction.

  • Georges River Aquatic Facility
    • Drawing of Landscape Plan for Carss Bush ParkWard: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: demolition of the former Kogarah War Memorial Pool and action to complete the planning and development of a new aquatic facility at Carss Park..

    • Expected Completion Date: To be advised.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am - 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Ongoing.

    Read more about this project

Connells Point

  • Donnelly Park Foreshore Detailed Design
    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description:

    •  Development of detailed designs to create a distinct and innovative environmentally friendly seawall focused on environmental resilience and community amenity/access as set out in Georges River Foreshore Access and Improvement Plan (FAIP).

    • Expected Completion Date: October 2023.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Completed.

  • Lower Poulton Park Amenities Construction

    Black and white drawing of artists impression of Lower Poulton Park Amenities Construction

    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Demolition of existing amenity infrastructure and construction of a new compliant and accessible public amenities building.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Construction ongoing.


  • Hurstville Oval Community/Sporting Pavilion
    • Architects impression of the exterior of Hurstville Oval PavillionWard: Hurstville

    • Project Description: Construction of a new sporting and community pavilion to expand premium facility capacity at Hurstville oval.

    • Expected Completion Date: February 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm

    • Current Status: Completed.


  • Hurstville Intersection Construction (Forest Road, Durham Street and Wright Street)

    Hurstville Intersection and temporary red and yellow barriers at Forest Road, Durham Street and Wright Street

    • Ward: Hurstville.

    • Project Description: Construction of a new traffic signalled intersection to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety.

      This work includes installation of traffic signals, electrical works and upgrade of the road surface, footpaths and other infrastructure in the area.

    • Expected Completion Date: August 2023.

    • Hours of Work: 8.00pm – 5.00am.
      7.00am – 5.00pm (civil works where required).

    • Current Status: Completed.

  • MacMahon Courtyard Upgrade
    • Artists impression of MacMahon Courtyard Upgrade shwoing people, benches and walkwayWard: Hurstville.

    • Project Description: Improve pedestrian amenity and safety surrounding MacMahon Courtyard.

      This work includes the reconfiguration of pedestrian crossings and parking bays, installation of new paving, street furniture, landscaping and associated infrastructure.

    • Expected Completion Date: August 2023.

    • Hours of Work: 8.00pm – 5.00am.
      7.00am – 5.00pm (civil works where required).

    • Current Status: Completed.

  • Hurstville Memorial Square Upgrade

    Artists impression of Hurstville memorial square showing seating and tables with shade, greenery and retained Memorial Cenotaph.

    • Ward: Hurstville.

    • Project Description: Improve community amenity and use of Memorial Square. This work includes the demolition of existing public domain infrastructure including furniture and water features; Installation of new paving, retaining walls, street furniture, landscaping and associated works to improve site aesthetics, usability and visibility surrounding the retained Memorial Cenotaph.

    • Expected Completion Date: March 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 8.00pm – 5.00am.
      7.00am – 5.00pm (minor works where required).

    • Current Status: Construction ongoing.

    Read more about this project

  • Hurstville Oval Sports Lighting Installation

    Aerial view of Hurstville Oval at night with lighting turned on

    • Ward: Hurstville.

    • Project Description: Design and construction of sports lighting to enable community and premium sporting events to be held at the Premium Sporting Venue.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Design and Construction ongoing.


  • Smith Park Bocce Court Construction


    • Ward: Hurstville.

    • Project Description: Design and construction of Bocce Court infrastructure in Smith Park to increase community recreational opportunity.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Detailed Design Ongoing.

Kogarah Bay

  • Charles Pirie Reserve Sports Lighting Upgrade


    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Expansion of sports lighting capacity at Charles Pirie Reserve to enable greater community sporting use of the facility.

    • Expected Completion Date: December 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Contractor Engaged.

Kyle Bay

  • Kyle Bay Foreshore Reconstruction


    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Foreshore reconstruction to improve community access and structural integrity following storm event failure.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Completed.


  • Lugarno Passive Watercraft Launching Facility
    • Aerial drawing of Watercraft Launching Facility showing kayaks and Edith BayWard: Peakhurst.

    • Project Description: Design and construction of a marine launching facility to improve community and passive watercraft access to the Georges River.

      Associated infrastructure including boardwalk extensions and landscaping will be included to ensure connectivity and accessibility.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2025.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Detailed Design Ongoing.

      View larger concept image of Lugarno Passive Water Launching Facility.

  • Gannons Park Stormwater Treatment
    • Ward: Peakhurst.Brick small building as well as image of inside the small building showing Stormwater treatment equipment

    • Project Description: Detailed design and construction of stormwater treatment system to connect stormwater naturalisation network to field irrigation infrastructure.

    • Expected Completion Date: August 2023.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Complete.

      Read more about this project

  • Gannons Park Spoil Remediation
    • Ward: Peakhurst.

    • Project Description: Detailed remediation design and construction of lower Gannons Park spoil mound to develop accessible community open space.

    • Expected Completion Date: April 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status:  Construction ongoing.



  • Mortdale Town Centre Upgrade
    • Image of Mortdale Town CentreWard: Mortdale.

    • Project Description: Streetscape improvement works to increase pedestrian safety and amenity along Morts Road between Mortdale Train Station and Martin Place. This work includes removing all overhead electricity infrastructure, repaving footpaths, installing new street furniture, landscaping and upgrading traffic calming devices.

    • Expected Completion Date: May 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 9.00pm – 5.00am.
      Note: Work that does not impact town centre operation or transport routes may be undertaken during normal construction hours (7.00 am to 6.00pm).

      For more information, download the Night Work Notification (PDF 225KB).

    • Current Status: Construction ongoing.

      Council Officers/Managers conducted the defect inspection with the contractor on the 29 April 2024. During this inspection a number of minor defects were identified including paver replacement and line marking. The contractor is working on rectifying these defects prior to a final ‘close out’ inspection.

      One existing timber power pole on the corner of Morts Road and Macquarie Place remains as NBN needs to remove its infrastructure. Council continues to drive this work, however is not responsible for the execution. Once NBN infrastructure is relocated (Council has already installed services for new location) the pole will be removed and the final pavers will be installed. A date of late May has been identified by NBN.

      The contractor will progress the deep cleaning and sealing of pavers in all other areas of the town centre work site. Once this is done, all tree surrounds will be infilled and the project will reach Practical Completion. A twelve-month Defect Liability Period is triggered by Practical Completion, requiring the contractor to rectify any work defects identified during this period.

    Read more about this project

  • Dairy Creek Embankment Reconstruction
    • Ward: Peakhurst.

    • Project Description: Design and reconstruction of creek line infrastructure following failure during storm events.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Construction ongoing.

      Download the Dairy Creek Signage Plan (PDF 267 KB).


  • Moore Reserve Environmental Monitoring


    • Ward: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Periodic environmental monitoring to understand condition of site due to historic landfill operations.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Monitoring ongoing.


  • Renown Park Field No. 2 Upgrade
    • Aerial view of Renown Park Field\ Renovation showing markup of section to be renovatedWard: Blakehurst.

    • Project Description: Renewal of Field No. 2 and adjoining playing surface.

      To alleviate existing issues with wet soils and poor surface conditions through the installation of drainage, irrigation and field resurfacing.

    • Expected Completion Date: June 2024.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm

    • Current Status: Construction ongoing.


  • Oleander Playground Upgrade
    • Artists impression of Oleander Playground Upgrade including play equipment, landscaping and picnic infrastructureWard: Peakhurst.

    • Project Description: Design and construction of upgraded playground including landscaping and picnic infrastructure.

    • Expected Completion Date: September 2023.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Completed.

      The contractor (Moduplay) has completed the majority of playground installation works. Council’s City Operations team has assisted with additional landscape play elements. New tree planting and turfing is currently under establishment. The playground is now open to the public.

      An opportunity for the incorporation of additional inclusive play equipment has been identified and is currently underway, with installation expected in late October 2023.

      A small section of the playground will be required to be partially closed for a week to allow this installation to occur. 


  • Olds Park Recreational and Sporting Hardscape Precinct
    • Artists impression of Olds Park Recreational & Sporting Hardscape Precinct showing courts and skate park with trees surrounding areaWard: Mortdale.

    • Project Description: Detailed design and construction of the Olds Park skatepark and netball court precinct to improve usability and accessibility of the active zone.

    • Expected Completion Date: December 2023

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm

    • Current Status: Completed.

  • Olds Park Premium Sporting/Community Facility
    • Artists impression of Olds Park Premium Sporting & Community Facility showing facility, green field and seating standsWard: Mortdale.

    • Project Description: Design and Construction of a modern and versatile sporting/community facility that inspires and develops community level sporting participants while providing services and facilities necessary for state and national level sporting events. This vision will be executed through the demolition of existing facilities/amenities and the construction of a new premium sporting facility which incorporates:

      • Universally inclusive changerooms (x4).

      • Large clubroom to service all tenant clubs/community space.

      • Large canteen and storage.

      • Covered area for viewing.

      • Terraced seating for spectators and oval access.

      • Fully accessible public toilets/amenities.

    • ​Expected Completion Date: December 2025.

    • Hours of Work: 7.00am – 6.00pm.

    • Current Status: Detailed Design Ongoing.


Critical Safety and Asset Renewal

Critical Stormwater and Drainage Program

Capital projects prioritised based on stormwater asset condition assessment, network upgrades and high risk works.
Location Suburb Work Type Status
Mabel Avenue Hurstville Relining Complete
Panorama Street Penshurst Investigation and Relining Works Ceased
Havendale Avenue Penshurst Upgrade drainage network Complete
Annie Twiss Reserve Beverly Hills Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
Roberts Avenue Mortdale Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
Morgan Street Kingsgrove Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
Clarke Street Peakhurst Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
Letitia Street Oatley Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
Balmoral Road Mortdale Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete
West Street Hurstville Minor Stormwater Improvement Works Complete

Kerb and Gutter Construction and Renewal Program

Renewal and repair of existing sections of kerb and gutter to improve safety, reduce risk, and renew end of life assets.
Location From  To Suburb Status
Clifton Street Algernon Street Herbert Street Oatley Complete
Princes Street Kuroki Street Pacific Avenue Blakehurst Complete
View Street Bayswater Avenue West Crescent Hurstville Grove Complete
Renn Street Park Road Payten Street Kogarah Bay Complete
Stubbs Street Harslett Crescent Ferry Avenue Beverley Park Complete
Planthurst Road Park Road Woids Avenue Carlton Complete
Church Lane Woids Avenue St Georges Parade Allawah Complete
Park Street Princes Street Judd Street Mortdale Complete
Cooloongatta Road Cooloongatta Road Cooloongatta Road Beverly Hills Complete
Morgan Street Illawarra Parade Westbrook Street Beverly Hils Complete
Hobbs Street Hoppys Lane Morgan Street Kingsgrove Complete

Traffic Facilities Construction and Upgrade Program

Upgrade and construction of critical safety traffic facilities including intersections, traffic calming devices, pedestrian safety infrastructure, bus stops, median strips and signage.
Project Location Suburb Status
Upgrade of existing signalised intersection to include additional turning movements. Lily Street / Railway Parade Hurstville Construction Ongoing
Construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing. Cook Street Mortdale Scheduled
Construction of a new raised pedestrian crossing. Ellen Subway Mortdale Scheduled
Upgrade to existing raised pedestrian crossing. Hillcrest Avenue Penshurst Scheduled
Construction of new refuge islands and associated pram ramps. Park Road / Wyee Street Kogarah Bay Complete
Construction of new refuge islands and associated pram ramps. Pearl Street / Gloucester Road Hurstville Complete
Construction of new refuge islands and associated pram ramps. Edward Street / Colvin Avenue Carlton Complete
Reconstruction of the existing concrete median strip. Croydon Road Hurstville Complete
Construction of new pram ramps.  Wayne Avenue / Taff Avenue Lugarno Complete

Road Asset Critical Safety and Renewal Program

Annual programs based on asset condition data and prioritisation of safety and compliance concerns identified across the 374 km of road network as part of ongoing condition surveys.
Location From  To Suburb Status
Noble Street Mona Street Meade Street Allawah Day
Woniora Road Princes Highway Forster Street Blakehurst Night
Connells Point Road King Georges Road The Appian Way South Hurstville Night
Rickard Road King Georges Road  Truman Street South Hurstville Night
Railway Parade North Station Street Harrow Road Kogarah Night
Hurstville Road King Georges Road  Truman Street Hurstville Night
Lyle Avenue Macpherson Street Low Street Hurstville Day
Cronulla Lane Durham Street Ethel Lane Hurstville Day
Lily Lane Durham Street Ethel Lane Hurstville Night
Pearl Street Dora Street Carrington Avenue Hurstville Day
Elizabeth Street Patrick Street The Avenue Hurstville Night
Cambridge Street George Street Clarence Street Penshurst Day
Boundary Road Forest Road  Norman Street Peakhurst Night
Mountview Avenue Broad Arrow Road Stoney Creek Road Beverly Hills Night
Bridge View Road Central Road  End Beverly Hills Day
Webb Lane  Webb Street Short Road Riverwood Night
Hurstville Road Oatley Parade Rosa Street Blakehurst Night
Webb Street Car Park - - Riverwood Night

New Footpath Program

New footpaths are prioritised to increase active transport and pedestrian connections to services. 
Location From  To Suburb Status
Rickard Road Morshead Drive Halstead Street South Hurstville Complete
Taunton Street King Georges Road Woniora Road Blakehurst Complete
Miowera Avenue Bunyala Street Princes Highway Carss Park Complete
Ada Street 11 Woonoona Parade E 5A Ada Street Oatley Complete
Condor Crescent Terry Street Terry Street Blakehurst Complete
Rona Street School Gate  Samuel Street Peakhurst Complete

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