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Heritage Conservation

Heritage, in the form of local buildings, structures and places, plays an important role in our community and ensures the following:

  • Enhances our local character by providing a connection to the past.

  • Provides current and future generations an opportunity to understand, appreciate and value the important aspects of our social and cultural heritage.

  • Ensures our community's history and culture is preserved for future generations. 

We have over 300 heritage items and 3 Heritage Conservation Areas (HCA) that are listed in Schedule 5 of Council’s Local Environmental Plans.

A Heritage Item can be a building, work, place, artefact, tree, object or archaeological site. Information about Heritage Items can be found within the State Heritage Inventory.

A Heritage Conservation Area (HCA) is a precinct, streetscape, suburb or group of buildings that have particular heritage values that give it a distinct identity worthy of preserving.

Our HCAs include

Refer to our Heritage Conservation Area Assessment Guidelines under the Appendices of the Georges River Development Control Plan 2021 if you are thinking of making changes to your property.

When is a property exempt from requiring development consent? (Minor heritage works)

You may not need development consent (DA approval) if the work does not affect the heritage significance of a building, structure or place.

Clause 5.10(3)(a)(i) and (ii) of the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021 outlines what work may be carried out to heritage items or properties within HCAs without development consent, such as:

  • Re-painting a building in an original or appropriate colour scheme;
  • Repairing or replacing intrusive windows with appropriate timber framed windows; or
  • Restoring a verandah to its original detail. 

The Development Consent Requirement Exemption Form must be submitted to Council for approval of minor heritage work.

Please seek advice from our Strategic Planning team before submitting your application. In some cases, approval under Part 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 may be required for the relevant works.

If your request is approved, you will receive written confirmation that your works do not need consent. The works must not commence until you receive this written confirmation.

Solar Panels

Under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021, solar energy systems may be exempt development in certain circumstances.  The requirements are set out in sections 2.20(2) and 2.41(4) of the SEPP.

If your solar energy system is NOT exempt development under the SEPP, solar panels will be supported in HCAs and to heritage items only where they are not expressly visible from the street and do not involve the removal of important features.  You will need to submit the Development Consent Requirement Exemption Form to Council for approval.

Additional services offered by Council

Heritage Advisory Service

Our Strategic Planning team and Heritage Advisor can provide advice on maintenance, restoration and development proposals for a heritage item or property within a HCA. 

Register of Heritage Conservation Management Plans (CMP)

A heritage CMP is a document explaining the significance of a heritage item, including a heritage conservation area, and proposing policies to retain that significance. It can include guidelines for additional development or maintenance of the place.

More information can be found on our Register of Heritage Conservation Management Plans page.

Heritage Building Grants Program

The Heritage Building Grants Program provides financial support to help conserve heritage listed buildings.
Owners of heritage listed buildings are eligible for financial assistance for specific restoration or conservation works on their property.

The next round of Heritage Building Grants will open in the 2024/25 financial year. Owners of heritage listed properties will be advised in writing when applications are open.
For further information, please refer to the Heritage Building Grants Program Guidelines or contact us

Interim Heritage Order over 28 Carlton Crescent Kogarah Bay (Lot 22, Section 15, DP 1963)

Council at its meeting held on Monday, 22 May 2023 resolved to make an Interim Heritage Order over No. 28 Carlton Crescent, Kogarah Bay (Lot 22, Section 15, DP1963) as the potential heritage item: 

a. Is likely to be of heritage significance.
b. Is under threat of demolition and unsympathetic alteration through any consent given to Development Application No. 2023/0025 lodged for the subdivision, demolition works and construction of new dwelling, outbuildings and ancillary works at No. 28 and 28A Carlton Crescent, Kogarah Bay.
c. Does not have statutory heritage protection under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 or the Heritage Act 1977.

The Interim Heritage Order (IHO) No. 2 over No. 28 Carlton Crescent, Kogarah Bay was gazetted on Friday, 26 May 2023. The IHO will allow a detailed assessment of the heritage significance of No. 28 Carlton Crescent in accordance with the Heritage Council Guidelines.

A heritage significance assessment for the site was completed in July 2023.  A report on the heritage significance assessment and proposed Planning Proposal to list No. 28 Carlton Crescent as a local heritage item in the Georges River Local Environmental Plan 2021 was considered by the Georges River Local Planning Panel on Thursday, 17 August 2023.  Refer to a copy of the agenda and minutes.

The Local Planning Panel recommended that the Planning Proposal be forwarded to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.

A report was presented to Council’s Environment and Planning (E&P) Committee and Council in September 2023 seeking endorsement to list No. 28 Carlton Crescent as a local heritage item and forward the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination. Refer to a copy of the agenda and minutes.

Council resolved to forward the Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for a Gateway Determination.

A request for a Gateway Determination was sent to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment on Friday 29 September 2023. A Gateway Determination was received on Monday 9 October 2023.

The Planning Proposal was exhibited from 1 November - 1 December 2023. Further details are available on Council’s Your Say Page

On 26 February 2024, Council resolved to adopt the proposed amendment to the Georges River LEP 2021 as exhibited.

On 29 February 2024, the Planning Proposal was forwarded to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) for gazettal.

The Planning Proposal (Georges River LEP 2021 - Amendment No 8) was gazetted on 28 March 2024.  A copy of the gazettal notice is available on the Amendments to the Georges River LEP 2021 page.

Please refer to the Planning Proposal page for further information.


Interim Heritage Orders over 80 Boronia Parade, Lugarno

Please refer to the Interim Heritage Orders over 80 Boronia Parade, Lugarno webpage for information. 

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