The following types of applications to Georges River Council must be submitted using the NSW Planning Portal:
The NSW Planning Portal makes submitting Building Information Certificate applications with Council simple with the convenience of being available online, anywhere and anytime.
Our commitment to customer service continues and we encourage applicants continue to use our pre-lodgement service for information and advice.
Additional information and advice on this new applications lodgement service is available on the NSW Planning website.
Payments for Planning Portal applications can be made via Council's payments webpage.
For more information, please refer to our Development Application Guide and Development Application Lodgement Checklist or contact our Duty Planner on (02) 9330 6400.
The BASIX tool is being enhanced and moving to the NSW Planning Portal in September 2023. You will need a Planning Portal account to access the enhanced BASIX tool. The existing BASIX tool will be decommissioned and BASIX accounts will not work.
Increases to the existing BASIX standards will also take effect on 1 October 2023. Visit Increase to BASIX Standards - Planning Portal - Department of Planning and Environment for information.
Applications lodged from 1 October 2023 will be required to include a valid BASIX certificate under the new requirements.
Thank you for your feedback.