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Electric Vehicles

The NSW Government has launched an Electric Vehicle Strategy, aiming for 52% of all new car sales to be electric vehicles (EVs) by 2030-31.

EVs help address the growing challenge of greenhouse gas emissions, with the transport sector currently the second largest and fastest growing emitter of emissions in NSW and Australia. EVs are an effective way to reduce emissions and benefit the community with quieter operation and health benefits from improved air quality.

Georges River Council is transitioning to an electric passenger fleet. As of February 2021, when a petrol or diesel car is replaced in Council’s passenger fleet, a hybrid or electric vehicle is purchased as its replacement.

What is Council doing? 

  • Council currently has 12 hybrid vehicles, making up 18% of the fleet.

  • Council is trialling 2 electric vehicles ahead of a full transition to EVs. Further priority will be given to EV purchases over hybrid as costs come down.

  • As of February 2021, when a petrol or diesel passenger vehicle is replaced, a hybrid or EV is purchased.


Consider an Electric Vehicle 

If you are able, consider an Electric Vehicle when purchasing your next car. They are more expensive when compared to a regular combustion fuel car, but as more small to mid-size EVs come onto the market the price is reducing.  

  • EVs can offer major benefits over conventional vehicles, there are significantly lower fuel and maintenance costs, with charging costs only 25 – 35% that of petrol for the average passenger car (NSW Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Plan 2019).

  • The State Government is offering a rebate of $3,000, beginning 1st September 2021 for the first 25,000 new battery electric and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles purchased for less than $68,750 (inc. GST).

  • If you are concerned about how you will charge your new EV when out and about, the Electric Vehicle Council have published a map of charging locations across Sydney and NSW. The NSW Government is investing $171 million over the next four years to ensure widespread charging coverage.

  • If an Electric Vehicle is not for you right now, consider a hybrid vehicle as an alternative. They still see many of the benefits of EVs, including cheaper running costs but have a lower price point and are widely produced by reputable car manufacturers.



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