The Household Chemical CleanOut is an event which allows residents of the Georges River area to safely dispose of their unwanted chemical waste for free.
Only household quantities of chemical waste is accepted up to 20kg or 20L, except paint. Up to 100L (in 20L containers) of paint is accepted. Up to 10kg of batteries is accepted. Business-related and commercial quantities of waste is not accepted.
This event is sponsored by the NSW EPA. For more information, visit EPA's Household Chemical CleanOut webpage or call the Environment Line on 131 555.
Residents are to remain in their vehicles at all times and follow staff instructions. No booking required. Items not accepted will be retuned to the vehicle.
When is the Household Chemical CleanOut?
Date: Sunday 27 October 2024.
Location: Mortdale Depot, Depot Road Mortdale.
Time: 9.00am - 3.30pm.
Please Note: No items will be accepted at the depot prior to this date. Illegal dumping of items can attract fines of up to $2000.
Accepted and unaccepted types of waste
>Accepted Waste
Acids, Alkali, motor oils, fuels, coolants, brake fluids up to 20L.
All batteries including car batteries up to 10kg.
Fire extinguishers, gas bottles, nitrous oxide cannisters (small quantities only up to 20kg).
General household chemicals including cleaning products up to 20L.
Paints up to 100L in 20L containers.
Pesticides, herbicides up to 20L.
Pharmaceuticals, X-rays and photographic chemicals up to 20L.
Fluorescent tubes and light globes up to 20kg.
>Non-Accepted Waste
View the
A - Z Recycling Guide page for information on where to dispose other types of waste.
You can find regular updates on events and services on Council's
What's On page and social media.
Thank you for your feedback.