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Have your say on the Draft Resident Parking Permit Scheme Policy


Council is inviting the community to provide feedback on the Georges River Council Draft Resident Parking Permit Scheme Policy.
The Draft Policy aims to communicate the conditions surrounding parking permits to community members and provide a governance framework for the scheme.
While the Draft Resident Parking Permit Scheme Policy seeks to formalise existing operations, some minor operational improvements are being introduced.
The Draft Policy will provide a framework for managing parking permits in the local government area, applying to eligible residences within Council’s designated Authorised Parking Permit Areas.
The experience of customers is also at the forefront of the scheme to align with the commitments of Council’s Customer Experience Charter.
Georges River Council Mayor Sam Elmir shared his thoughts on the Draft Policy, saying, “Council is striving to improve the current operation of the Resident Parking Scheme.
“We are aiming to better our processes and improve parking access for our residents within Approved Parking Permit Areas.
“Community feedback is essential to our decision-making process, so I urge our community to have their say on the matter,” the Mayor said.
The Draft Resident Parking Permit Scheme Policy will be on public exhibition until Tuesday 20 February 2024.
For more information and to submit your feedback, visit Council’s Your Say webpage.