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Commercial Centres Strategy

We are currently preparing a Commercial Centres Strategy in two parts (Part 1 and Part 2). This Strategy will support the new Georges River Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2020.

Part 1 Centres Analysis was adopted by Council on 24 February 2020 and includes:

  1. Commercial Centres Strategy - Part 1 Centres Analysis (February 2020)
  2. Appendix 1 - Commercial Centres Economic Study 
  3. Appendix 2 - Centres Review:
  1. Contents & Overview
  2. Strategic Centres
  3. Local Centres
  4. Villages
  5. Small Villages
  6. Neighbourhoods
  7. Special Areas

The main purpose of this Part is to inform the preparation of LEP 2020 and its development control plan. Our local government area has 48 commercial centres. This Part looks at all these centres as a whole with the aim of harmonising their current planning framework for future development.

It harmonises permitted land uses and introduces land uses to encourage employment in response to emerging economic trends. It looks into the appropriate mix required between employment and residential floor space in mixed use developments. This Part also includes rezoning criteria guidelines to manage planning proposals that seek to expand existing centres.

This Part is guided by the Commercial Centres Economic Study. It estimates the long term employment floor space demand of all centres. The hierarchy of centres developed below is based on the current supply of retail floor space within each centre:

  1. 2 Strategic centres
  2. 7 Local centres
  3. 5 Villages
  4. 10 Small villages
  5. 24 Neighbourhood centres
  6. 1 B6 Enterprise Corridor

Part 2 of the Strategy is currently underway. It will guide the LEP 2023 (Jobs and Activation) amendment to the Georges River LEP 2020 and its development control plan. This Part will look at the roles and functions of all 48 commercial centres. It will provide centre-specific objectives, building controls and guidelines, and explore the potential expansion of appropriate centres.

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