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Riverwood Estate State Significant Precinct

The Riverwood Estate social housing estate is located within the Canterbury-Bankstown Local Government Area (LGA). The Riverwood Estate is immediately to the north of our LGA as shown in the figure below. The Riverwood Estate is currently under renewal by the NSW Government.

Riverwood Estate Significant Precinct map

Stage 1 included the completed Washington Park, which contains 757 dwellings (including 150 social housing units). 

Stage 2 (State Significant Precinct) relates to the remainder of the Riverwood Estate. The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI) put on exhibition the Riverwood Estate State Significant Precinct (Stage 2) that proposed a total of 3,900 dwellings, from 12 August to 25 September 2022. The Estate currently contains about 994 social housing dwellings.

Given community feedback, Stage 2 has been significantly revised by Homes NSW.

What's happening now

Homes NSW has prepared and submitted a revised rezoning proposal to the DPHI for a section of the Riverwood Estate (as shown in the figure below). The revised proposal includes around 420 new homes of which 50 percent is intended to be social and affordable housing.

The revised proposal, including Homes NSW response to submissions from the 2022 exhibition, is now on exhibition until 8 April 2024. 

Information on the public exhibition is available on DPHI’s Riverwood - Priority Growth Areas and Precincts.Aerial view of Riverwood Estate

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