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Kogarah Collaboration Area

Greater Sydney Region Plan

Kogarah is identified as a Collaboration Area, Strategic Centre and Health and Education Precinct in the Greater Sydney Region Plan, owing to its significant cluster of health and education activities. The South District Plan sets jobs targets for the Kogarah strategic centre, with a baseline of 16,000 jobs by 2036 and a higher target of 20,500 jobs.

Map of Kogarah strategic centre


About the Kogarah Collaboration Area

The Collaboration Area process aims to leverage assets in the area to help achieve these higher jobs targets, in order to realised the Greater Sydney Commission’s vision for a 30 minute city. The Greater Sydney Commission has been facilitating the Collaboration Area process since December 2018 with Georges River Council, Bayside Council and key state agencies including Transport for NSW, NSW Health, Department of Education, Industry and Environment and TAFE NSW.

The Kogarah Collaboration Area study area is loosely bounded by Bestic Street to the north, the Rockdale Wetlands corridor in the east, Jubilee Avenue in the south, and Caledonian Street to the west.

Map of Kogarah Collaboration study area


Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy 

The Kogarah Collaboration Area Place Strategy focuses on leveraging the area’s existing assets, networks and activity through a place-based framework and is not primarily concerned with land use and development.

The Strategy highlights a number of opportunities for the Collaboration Area including the cluster of health, education, financial and sporting offerings, emerging research and innovation through the health and education precinct and anticipated future mass transit connections. Challenges that have been identified include the reduced frequency of the train services, a deficiency of open space and urban tree canopy cover, increased high density development and a lack of short-medium term accommodation.

To deliver on the vision and shared objectives, Council  with the Greater Sydney Commission has established an enduring precinct governance structure and group to deliver the actions which includes a partnership between Georges River and Bayside Council and with key anchor institutions in the Collaboration Area.
The Strategy complements Council’s Kogarah Investment Attraction Strategy which guides the expansion of investment and employment in the sectors of health, education and innovation in the area.


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