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Cyber Security

Cyber security threats are on the rise and are ever changing.

Council is committed to keeping our information safe and have adopted a multilayered approach to securing your information. Council's information security framework aligns with State and Federal Government guidelines.

In the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, Council blocked 16,901,927 cyber threat attempts to breach and infiltrate our network. this is an increase of over 38% from the previous year.

Our Audit program has a strong focus on Information security. regular audits are conducted to ensure that council manages and maintains strong measures to prevent cyber security incidents and events. The audit program focuses on the following key areas: 

Penetration testing Internal and external penetration testing to ensure that councils network remains secure.
Staff training and awareness Staff training and exercises to raise the profile of cyber security to all staff. regular updates to staff on the latest threats and how to report them.
Records management testing Testing to ensure that confidential data and documents remain restricted and secure.
Legislative testing against Essential 8 and NSW Cyber security policy Ensuring council meets the requirements stipulated by legislative reform from Local, State or Federal government bodies.
Backup and disaster recovery testing Regular testing to ensure council can recover from a major disaster or cyber event. 

These audits all form councils information security program to deliver more secure services to staff and ensure Councils data and network remains safe. 

To find information on how you can protect your data at home see the Scams and Fraud page


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